Boulder County, in partnership with Weld County, the City of Longmont and the Town of Erie are seeking your input about the East County Line Road/Weld County Road 1 corridor from Highway 66 north of Longmont to Jay Road. The current final draft report is based largely on previous input from road users, property owners, businesses and residents and helped shape the project recommendations presented in the current plan.

We are interested to hear from our local community members if the project recommendations accurately reflect prior public input and if there are any major issues missing from the project recommendations. So please use the comment map to share your comfort level with the project recommendations.

The designs in the recommendations are conceptual and each of these recommendations will go through a future design process. There will be additional public input opportunities during the future design processes.

The project list and map of projects are displayed below. Select from the list or map to learn more about each project recommendation. Also, you can add any additional comments by selecting a location on the map and entering your thoughts.

The online commenting period ends January 8th, 2021.

This plan represents the beginning, not the end. Each improvement will go through its own design and public comment process if / when they are implemented.

Visit the Plan Page


Join us for a public Virtual Workshop to learn more about the project recommendations and to provide input on the segments. Each workshop will be dedicated to one of three segments. If you can’t make the workshop for the corresponding segment, you are welcome to leave comments at the link above. There will be a brief orientation at the beginning of the workshop for those not familiar with Zoom.

Workshop schedule:

Segment 1: City of Longmont – Date: Tuesday, December 15, 4:30 – 6:00PM
Meeting ID: 915 9321 1463
Passcode: ECLR
If necessary, call-in number: 253.215.8782
If you have visited the site previously you may need to clear your cache to get a current version of the site. See general instructions below.*

Segment 3: Town of Erie - Date: Wednesday, December 16, 4:30 – 6:00PM
Meeting ID: 925 7956 6667
Passcode: ECLR
If necessary, call-in number: 253.215.8782
If you have visited the site previously you may need to clear your cache to get a current version of the site. See general instructions below.*

Segment 2: Boulder/ Weld Counties – Date: Thursday, December 17, 4:30 – 6:00PM
Meeting ID: 917 8395 9627
Passcode: ECLR
If necessary, call-in number: 253.215.8782
If you have visited the site previously you may need to clear your cache to get a current version of the site. See general instructions below.*

*Instructions for clearing the cache: Browsers store a version of the websites as you visit them - a cache of the site. This speeds up loading the site on future visits but sometimes you don't get the newest version. To get the current version of a site you may need to clear your browser cache. Each browser does this differently but generally it can be found in your browser settings.
In Chrome it can be found under More Tools
In Edge it can be found under Settings and then Privacy

Project Recommendation List


The recommended project would improve the existing signalized intersection at ECLR/WCR1 and Highway 66. ECLR/WCR 1 would be 5-lanes south of Highway 66 with a detached multiuse pathway on the west side. Future movements would include dual westbound left-turns off Highway 66. City of Longmont property west of the roadway would allow for future widening to avoid or minimize the need for acquisition of right-of-way from property owners east of ECLR/WCR 1.

Improve safety and traffic flow through the existing stop-controlled “T” intersection at ECLR/WCR 1 and 17th Avenue. The roundabout and approaches would include detached sidewalks, widened to accommodate bicyclists. Compared to a potential signalized intersection, the double-lane roundabout would better help regulate/reduce speeds on ECLR/WCR 1 and avoid conflict with the electrical steel towers.

The proposed project would widen ECLR/WCR 1 between Zlaten Drive and the bridge over the Saint Vrain Creek to allow for paved shoulders. The multiuse trail would be extended south to Saint Vrain Creek and connect to the proposed pedestrian bridge over Saint Vrain Creek. Recommend installing a traffic signal at time of full buildout of the Sandstone Ranch development.


The desired result of the proposed project is to eliminate flows from the 100-year event from overtopping ECLR/WCR1. This would require both Dry Creek channel improvements and the construction of new bridge structures.

Improve the existing two-way stop-controlled intersection at ECLR/WCR1 and WCR20½/Pike Road with a single-lane roundabout to accommodate future traffic volumes. Major irrigation facilities with the existing ditch running diagonally under intersection should also be addressed with the proposed project, and coordination should be done with the ditch companies to accommodate improvements.

Improve the existing two-way stop-controlled intersection at Oxford Road with a single-lane roundabout to accommodate future traffic volumes and to address safety, sight distance, and speeding issues. Adjacent graveyard northeast of intersection must be protected.

Improve the one-way stop-controlled intersection by widening the roadway and adding turn lanes. The project would add a center turn lane to ECLR/WCR1 to improve access to WCR16½ and accommodate the many turning movements that occur into and out of the properties on the west, a majority of which are trucks and semitrailers. The project would also improve safety by increasing visibility and access to and from the existing western driveways by removing the sub-standard vertical curve.

The proposed project at ECLR/WCR1 and Niwot Road would improve the existing one-way stop-controlled intersection with a new single-lane roundabout and potentially reduce excessive speeds when coupled with other roundabouts along the corridor.

Replace the existing bridge with new structure(s) which would pass 100-year flows under ECLR/WCR1. Due to current creek configuration and a non-standard bridge, less than 30% of 2013 flood flows passed under the roadway. The remaining 70% flowed over the road, both south and north of the bridge.


Existing traffic signals are operated by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and traffic analyses indicate that a southbound right turn lane would be needed to accommodate 2040 volumes of ECLR/WCR1 and Mineral Road/Highway 52. Additionally, there is a need to increase storage and add shoulders.

Replace the existing bridge with a new structure which would pass 100-year flows under ECLR/WCR1. Icon Engineering completed a conceptual design of a new bridge in 2018. The proposed channel and bridge location would be dependent on the selected improvements of Kenosha Road included in project E1 of this master plan.

This proposed realignment project includes two intersections along ECLR/WCR1, the first at Kenosha Road and the second at WCR 10 ½. The two intersections are currently offset by a quarter of a mile. All alternatives are designed to handle 2040 traffic.

Replace the existing bridge with a new structure which would pass 100-year flows under Kenosha Road. This project would be completed in conjunction with projects E1 (ECLR/WCR1 and WCR10½/Kenosha Road) and S3 (Kenosha Road Bridge over Coal Creek) of this master plan. Icon Engineering completed a Coal Creek Restoration Plan that can assist with design.

The proposed project would improve the ECLR/WCR1 and Jay Road/Cheesman Street four-way stop-controlled intersection with a traffic signal to meet current and future traffic demand. Intersection improvements would be designed to improve approaches and bicycle and pedestrian safety in a school zone area.

Boulder County East County Line Road Study Area

Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please email with your comments.

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Stop signs would be the simplest, cheapest and least obtrusive solution. They are also very effective at speed control. This may keep traffic flowing, but it takes up a lot of ground. In general, I l…

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