would like to see a more detailed map of the land aqusition..
road needs to be wider to allow cars to safely pass bikes
As an avid cyclist, I have been trying to think through bicycle safety between Hwy 119 and Hwy 52. I do not think this section is a good route for bikes and only ride on it for short stretches. Like 287, even with broader shoulders there are just too many cars going too fast, and a widened road will only encourage speeding. I STRONGLY encourage designating at alternate bike route between Hwy 119 and Niwot Road: starting at Hwy 119 and going south, use N 119th St (which connects to the wonderful St Vrain Greenway trail) to Oxford Rd, jog west a short distance on Oxford to 115th St, head south on 115th to Niwot Rd, and east on Niwot Rd to E County Line Rd. This doesn't solve safety issues south of Niwot Rd, but it vastly improves bike safety through that risky section of County Line Rd between Oxford and Niwot Rd where visibility is poor due to hills and there are lots of driveways. This route I am recommending is very pleasant on a bike and feels much safer!
Protect the brick landscaping wall and mailbox during any widening and/or improvements to the road.
OH: 18-Wheelers turning in/out
OH: Pothole.
OH: Have an organic ed center with small park here. The rest remain organic farm.
OH: Japanese Gardens (Tribute to Japanese Longmont Tribute) OH: I agree!
OH: Don't touch property lines beyond current lots.
OH: Pothole OH: Serious
OH: Current R.O.W. 30'
OH: R.O.W. Reservation 75'
OH: Can R.O.W. be shifted west to lessen impact on Weld Co. property/residence(s)? OH: I worry more cars = more accidents/noise/congestion.
OH: CR 20.5 has turned into an industrial rd. Hope frack projects, gravel pits, and more. Don't turn CR 1 into CR 20.5!
OH: Needs turn lane to east!
OH: Agree with the round about.
OH: Good location for a round-about.
OH: Fracked 19 wells.
OH: Paving pike and Quicksilver would increase traffic on 119th St and reduce traffic on county line.
[Liggett Ditch] OH: This ditch has erosion/sedimentation impacts - Is the county involved?
OH: Fracked 11 wells.
OH: OK with shoulder widening only.
OH: Please decrease the amount of traffic, "not" increase it with improvement.
OH: Traffic light at all large intersections.
OH: Enforce speed limits!
OH: 1,000 more houses planned.
OH: Need to widen the intersection with turn lanes and through lanes.
OH: Choke/bottleneck intersection.
OH: Add lane for right turn only. OH: Second that! OH: Third it!
OH: More green time going south on CR1! OH: Please, I second that.
OH: Keep CR1 rural!
OH: Add right turn lane (3 lanes total) OH: I agree with this.
OH: "If you build it (widen) they will come!" Oil and gas will be overjoyed. Don't use public money to prepare the way for 100,000's of oil and gas pick-up trucks, semis, tankers on City Rd. 1.
OH: Commuters and oil and gas are not our neighbors! They speed, they ruin the roads, they are disrespectful. Don't make CR1 a commuter to oil and gas thoroughfare!
OH: High spot in road makes driveway to south dangerous; lower this road section.
[In response to Potential Minor Intersection Adjustment] OH: Low priority?
[In response to potential 3-Lane Section] OH: No OH: No! OH: No! OH: NO PLEASE! OH: 3 lanes are unnecessary! OH: I see this much pavement as overkill!
OH: Visibility is very poor here (nearly killed once) - slow traffic to 40 mph between Nimot Rd and Oxford.
OH: Road widening is problematic in this stretch between Nimot Rd and Oxford due to many horses, trees, fences, etc. Any widening should be done on the undeveloped part of the road.
OH: Residential horse property. Lower speed limit - make it safer to pull out with trailers, not wider with more traffic! OH: Very important!
OH: This is an agricultural area - tractors and farm equipment use city line regularly!
OH: We are all too close to the road to widen it. 3 serious accidents have happened here! Patrol this road - no one obeys speed limit especially rock trucks!
OH: Horse property. Many horses in these barns - any animal on road would be killed - and maybe people hitting them.
OH: Residences
OH: Lower speed limit to 40 mph on this section.
OH: Safer shoulder with buffer.
OH: Roundabout here would discourage thru traffic speeding and address intersection safety. OH: Agree OH: I don't agree with this - slow the traffic down. This is an agricultural section of road. OH: I don't see traffic signals/four-way stops as belonging in agricultural areas. OH: I agree!
OH: Rd. 18