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Stop signs would be the simplest, cheapest and least obtrusive solution. They are also very effective at speed control. This may keep traffic flowing, but it takes up a lot of ground. In general, I like traffic circles but to me they seem more appropriate in an urban setting.
As residents and the property owners on the NW corner of the proposed roundabout, we perhaps will be impacted as much as any other neighbor/concerned party. We support the single lane roundabout as proposed, as the best option for slowing traffic, increasing safety for bicyclists and motorists and potentially enticing the rerouting of heavy commerce traffic. The Pleasant View Ridge School (circa 1899) is a registered Boulder County landmark and, along with the historic cemetery, must be protected from encroachment, molestation, and unintentional impacts (such as water drainage from culvert redirection). The mature trees on the SE corner also warrant protection as much as possible; they provide habitat and are home to generational owls, other birds and other wildlife. Wildlife crossing and signage should be considered as part of this development plan. The raised median warrants a xeriscape design, compatible with the rural area. Working in tandem with the 15 mph roundabout, we strongly request stop signs be placed on Oxford Rd at 115 and 119 intersections. Currently, speed is unchecked on the 2 mile stretch of this "country road" to 287, enticing out-of-area commuters and scofflaws to use this road as an unpatrolled speed track. We appreciate the invitation to participate in this proposed project and request continued inclusion as plans proceed. Thank you. Ellen and Stuart Readio
The dirt road to the east is a private road and should not be included in a roundabout. Drivers do not use roundabouts properly or safely. The most cost effective and simple solution would be to add stop signs on CLR. This is an agricultural area and farm equipment, hay trucks and horse trailers would have a challenging time navigating a roundabout. This proposal encroaches on agricultural properties, livestock and mailboxes. The residents are responsible for maintaining this road. Drivers on a roundabout would most certainly take a wrong turn and end up driving this dirt road. The only place to turn around safely is 1/2 mile down on private property, which is not appropriate for a road that is not maintained by the County.
Part 2: Those signs show your speed, blink when you are going over the speed limit and I know they can be made to take pictures of license plates and send tickets to speeders. Also, they could be installed relatively soon and cheaply. So, please don't widen the road and install a huge obnoxious roundabout. Instead, about 3/4- 1/2 mile north and south of Oxford/Rd 18, place 2 electronic speed signs for each direction, slow the speed limit down to 35 mph and then to 25mph. People respond very well to these signs and after a few tickets would start slowing down. The project would be infinitely cheaper, could be done much sooner, and the actual purpose of the whole project would be achieved SAFTEY! It would slow people down to make that 3 way corner safer for everyone! Also add 2 of those electronic signs on Oxford Road going east starting at 119th avenue, so by the time people arrive at the stop sign at Oxford and ECLR1 they are going 25 mph. This would slow people down and thereby help all of the residents on Oxford as well. Also it would keep commuters from speeding and help with slower agricultural vehicles so they can make their turns etc. The roundabout does not fit reality on this corner, multiple electronic speed signs and tickets, and keeping the road the width it is (with bike lanes added), and reducing the speed limit dramatically as you approach that corner with electronic speed limit signs would make everything safer for everyone and not ruin the character of the area. Please add these signs soon and give it a trial run for 2 years before you reconsider this obnoxious and unnecessary roundabout that impinges on so many people's private property and the character of the area. Thanks for reading!
Part 1: The roundabout you are recommending in the master plan is not a good idea for many reasons. It's completely obnoxious. It's unnecessary. It will ruin the wooded area on the SE corner. It will slow down, in front of our driveway, huge oil and gas tanker trucks. The corner and the roads there are much too narrow to add a huge cement structure. I exit and enter ECLR 1 numerous times a day onto Road 18. 95% of the time there is no traffic and I just enter the road. Yes, when I do need to enter when traffic is heavy people are going 50 or so miles per hour. When I was in the online discussion you said that people go as fast as they can due to the comfort level of the road. So then, why would you widen the road in this area 5 feet on either side because that would encourage more speed? Better to leave the road the width it is, and add at least 2 of the electronic speed control signs with automatic ticket givers on both sides (2 on each side 35mph and down to 25 mph) of ECLR1 as you approach Oxford/Rd 18. Just like on Via Appia between South Boulder Road and McCaslin.
Weld County families live east of ECLR1 on what you call due to a historical misnomer, WCR 18. This road is actually privately owned by 4 different residents, going east, the first 1/2 mile (which does not run along a section line, it's diagonal to it), is owned by the Rasmussens, the second part is owned by the Harper/Del Tufos, the 3rd part is owned by the Kraffts, and the 4th part is owned by the Fosters and it dead ends on their property, with a total of about 4/5's of a mile of dirt driveways from ECLR1 to the end of the dead end. These are privately owned and function purely as our egress and ingress to a Public Road and driveway. Weld County will tell you it is a Public Road but it is not. There are six families who use what I will call Rd18, though it is just a driveway, many of whom have lived at this dead end for 12, 20 and over 30 years.
Why is a traffic circle needed here? Especially if a circle is added at CR 16 1/2, this would seem to be unnecessary.
50MPH speed limit at this fast for turning into Erie Village since cars are slowing to get in left turn lane. 50MPH needs to be moved down past Erie Village
If we have the new path (ped & bike) before Erie Village turn, why do we need to have bike lanes on this section of CRL1? Keep the bike traffic to the new path???
Are these roundabouts able to handle large farm tractors and equipment? The one on Erie Pkwy & 119 have narrow lanes
Increased traffic causes a steady stream through the roundabout, Kenosha traffic difficult to enter. Will cause backup on Kenosha.
This concept might work at entrances and exit of 25,but not at this intersection. New Jersey tried that decades ago. After all the deaths and accidents, they took them out. I live there. It is a death trap now. You will make it worse. People today do not know how to yield. Put a street light in with left turn. Look at all the accidents that happened before and during the apartment construction
As I mentioned in the 12/16 Zoom meeting, if Erie plans to extend the Coal Creek Trail adjacent to the (realigned) Coal Creek drainage, north of the dog park and toward Kenosha Road, would the trail pass over or under East County Line Road? Will the proposed bridge accommodate an underpass or would cyclists and pedestrians cross at-grade. (That is, will an even newer bridge need to be built in that area, eventually, to take into account trail use?) From the perspective of a cyclist (safety) and taxpayer (I don't like to pay twice for something).
Should be a roundabout.
People don't know how to use roundabouts and if the speed limit is not reduced, there won't be an opportunity to enter it, traffic going N and S will be favored, happens all the time.
Would appreciate the speed limit lowered, we live along this road and it's hard to get out of our driveway with the volume of traffic. A roundabout would make it worse, traffic lights provide a break in traffic.
The only time there is traffic is when school lets out. So, maybe an extra lane near the school. Other than that, we don't need extra lanes in Erie on County Line Rd and it will take away land, and that small town feeling that makes Erie special.
I think a light will not be helpful. Better to have a roundabout,.
Shoulder ≠ bike lane.
Happy to see a roundabout! They work great
No bike lanes
This "merging area" causes issues. People use it to speed ahead, especially trucks
Building them a nice driveway?
Very confusing intersection. Lots of "near misses." Bring down speed, narrow and put in roundabout. Would slow speeds, but increase throughput.
Is it fiscally responsible to put in a signal then roundabout? Recommend saving taxpayer money and going straight to roundabout. Unless you planning on issuing scrib or some type of security to raise money outside of taxation (which uses money other people create, mostly through their labor).
Nicer narrow. Seems un-needed to widen and wasteful.
Missing connection = bad traffic + congestion.
Full movement would be better. This will add VMT.
This could be a nice place for neighborhood center with shops
This does not feel like "human habitat" nor a gift for future generations, but instead a gift to develops from our easy-money central bank system. What a shame ...
Make this a neighborhood if it develops; traditional
Hopefully this develops more traditionally than suburban; make neighborhoods.
Trucks don't use this. Seems wasteful to make trucks go around. Adds probably 1/2 mile VMT per truck.
What does the designation P/L on the drawings mean.
Missing sidewalk connection here. Very odd.
Please preserve silver maples lining the east portion of the project.
Will need to get much more information on this segment as it will directly affect personally property.
This intersection should be a round about.
I like the roundabout. Consider copying Netherlands with the bike lane on the outside. Concepts can be found here:
Cars go very fast. Hard to take a right and get over to take a left.
Very comfortable with slower speeds due to construction.
Don't steal parkland for car infrastructure 🤮.
Hopefully this can be a four-way intersection