About the Project

Yakima County Trails Plan 2019

The Yakima County Trails Plan 2019 is a document designed to guide future investments in pathways, trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, shoulder widening, etc., when investments can improve County transportation needs. Once priority projects are identified, Yakima County will work with relevant agencies and organizations to apply for grant funds and incorporate bicycle and pedestrian-friendly improvements within capital projects and maintenance projects. The plan will be shaped by Yakima County staff with input from the public, community groups and public agency partners.

Why is the Yakima County Trails Plan 2019 important?

  • The recommendations will identify priority improvements and guide grant applications and funding expenditures.
  • The plan will identify where and how future bicycle and pedestrian-friendly improvements should take place.
  • The plan will help identify opportunities where the County, partner agencies and organizations can work together to improve mobility, connectivity and safety throughout the County.

What is the process to develop the Yakima County Trails Plan and how can I be involved?

The planning process has three main phases, and each phase has opportunities for community input:

  • Phase 1 – Gather & Understand (January-May 2019) This phase entails collecting data, gathering stakeholder input and identifying important trends.

How to be involved: Take this survey (open until April 19). Participate in the April 10, 2019 public open house.

  • Phase 2 – Integrate (June-August 2019) The purpose of this phase is to develop the key components of the draft plan, including a draft pathways and trails map, recommended improvements, and implementation and funding plan. Recommendations will identify ways to integrate bicycle and pedestrian facilities within transportation projects throughout Yakima County.

How to be involved: Review and comment on draft recommended projects through an online survey.

  • Phase 3 – Develop & Empower (August-October 2019) This phase incorporates public and stakeholder input into the Draft Plan. The Final Plan will be presented to appointed and elected County officials for adoption. The public is welcome to attend County meetings. The schedule is available here www.yakimacounty.us/agendacenter.

How to be involved: Review and comment on the draft plan through the adoption process.