Make sure the landfill gets taken care of properly. Contaminating groundwater cannot go on! Bike lanes-especially Highway 91 from the Gap to McCammon and Lava. Litter picked up regularly. Clean up rural junk yards. The railroad should take care of their old fences in the ditches.
ALWAYS protect water, soil, air quality. BIKE LANES EVERYWHERE. Pick up litter everywhere. Get rid of concrete along the river. Develop and extend the Greenway. Get rid of billboards along the interstate. Plant trees. More parks. Encourage healthy lifestyle, respect wildlife, one another.
The aquifer under Pocatello must be protected. Please do not allow any more septic systems above the Pocatello valley
We live in a great place but the current and future quality of our water is a big concern. No new houses or developments should be allowed to rely on septic systems that will soon be poisoning us all. We must find a way to get all current septic systems connected to city sewer systems if we believe in a future for our area.
pocatello has no artirial bike ways and this, not the river park, is what the future needs. the pictures of the proposed parks shows a blue stream flowing through them, this is not the color of marsh creek where the cows hang out. the portneif river is diverted into the Downey canal in the summer. II proposed 20 years ago to get a side walk across the street from the city offices. The railroad official said that the rail road would cooperate to make it possible. Soon aftr this push Park Price the car dealer came on TV to tell us that we shouldn't worry about bike access he and the city will take care of that. Now 20 years later we don't have single improvement. Is this green way partly funded from car dealers so they won,t have to worry about car sales fallinf off? If this what is going on you should think abount what is real.
Stop allowing residential lots in rural established subdivisions to be subdivided. This not what we bought into. Also stop allowing new subdivisions being build literally on the city limit without curb and gutters. You know as soon as they are annexed the city will require those new home owner to put in curb and gutters.
County should work with the City of Pocatello and other cities on a integrated water plan, to make sure that upstream land use doesn't inadvertently harm downstream water users.
Require new development to retain their water on site to limit summer thunderstorm flooding impacts on streams such as rapid creek.
The Portneuf River is a huge asset to Bannock County. Rivers flood and development needs to recognize this and allow the rivers to flood if we want to have beautiful healthy fishable streams.
We need to clean up Marsh Creek... and ensure that new development doesn't increase sediment flows to local streams.
Long-term goal: pedestrian bridge from ISU area over the tracks to the park/City Creek area to the west.
I understand this is the County Plan but Lava Hot Springs is an areas for potential economic development. A recreation district could help Lava make the needed improvements to advance to the next level destination location.
The Fairgrounds need improvement to bands and public space. The fairgrounds should reflect a better image of our county than it currently does.
Put water first. Don't make the public pay thousands of dollars to protect themselves.
American Rd. should be upgraded for multi-lane-maintained surface with water and natural gas.
There is a very nice amphitheater at the Portheuf Health complex. It is not used enough. Some one that is competent needs to be put in charge of this so the community can take advantage of it. They regularly have concerts at the Fort Hall Casino. We should get some the the acts that are not "top Biled" here and put this place to use.
The BLM/FS management of the Trail Creek area needs to be improved. The motors have ruined large swaths of this rae, and the rampant gun use basically keeps anyone else from using the area. Try no guns and motors for about 5 years, watch the trash and erosion go down and plant/animal life rebound.
Perhaps we could rally some locals to clean up the Trail Creek area occasionally. This area is wonderful when the gates are closed and the motorheads can't rip new trails into hillsides.
The Portneuf River needs extensive work to clean up the water quality. Been watching it for 2 years now and haven't seen a day yet when the water was clean or clear.
Extending the green belt to the Gap would create additional opportunity for non-motorized travel into Pocatello. The traffic on South 5th and Portneuf Rd/Bannock Hwy is too risky to compete with to be able to bike to work.
The entire Blackrock area is a critical mule deer winter range. This winter range needs to be preserved in the face of increased development and recreational demands; wildlife and development/recreation are not compatible on critical winter ranges, and the deer always loose. The county should work with IDFG to identify and designated winter ranges, and implement access restrictions when deer are on the range to reduce disturbance and ultimately, ensure better winter deer survival.
Major water contamination issues associated with the landfill need to be addressed; clean water is an asset that makes or breaks a community. Water quality for the entire watershed needs to be addressed.
Incentivise "in-fill" development. There are MANY lots available within Pocatello limits and surrounding areas. Any new subdivisions should pay their way with power, sewer, fire protection, etc. Add sewer not septic wherever possible.
I am not in support of the Northgate Development proposal off of Olympus Drive by Salt Lake City Millenial Developers. I attended a city council meeting concerning support or non-support of this development this past spring. The council and development people were very vague when answering specific questions about what types of job growth they promised and where money for infrastructure would come from. Pocatello does not need such large unplanned growth as this project. People live in Pocatello because the quality of life is good. Because their are less people, less traffic, clean air and water. Please keep it that way.
get Johnny creek on city sewer system
Another great place to put up a little green "Portneuf River" sign
Builder/developers would like to see offices open mon. Thru Friday again. Many of us work 6-7 days per week and need permitting/inspections faster.
It appears that fire protection has the potential of becoming an extremely important factor in future developments. The use of overlays could be tool that aids in the addressing this concern. Overlays could differentiate areas by risk and aid in the development of safer communities.
If a devil open meets and or exceeds all county ordinance on development why do you allow public comments “not in my back yard” slow down the process and or stagnate growth so much. Chubbuck recently did away with public comments.
Why is bannock county the second highest taxes in the state second only to blain county.
Why does the county have the control over what product a land owner has to use on the approach to their driveway. Bingham allows concrete and power allowed gravel
I believe that bannock county is the only one in the state requiring 5 acres to build a residence without city sewer.
Get rid of the concrete
It is unacceptable for the County, the City of Inkom, and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Pocatello Regional Office to allow the City of Inkom to continue to impact groundwater and surface water and potentially endanger the quality of ground and surface water entering the Pocatello watershed from inadequate, poorly designed and managed, and potentially illegally permitted municipal wastewater treatment and disposal into the flood plain of the Portneuf River. Sheer idiocy!!!!!!
County will adopt a groundwater protection ordinance to include the following: 1. Bannock County will adopt new land division and development measures for the Pocatello ACI, similar to the land division and development measures that the County adopted for the Chubbuck ACI. 2. Pocatello will update its sanitary sewer collection system master plan (facility plan) to include un-sewered areas, and work to sewer critical areas. The number one priority is to sewer the Johnny Creek area followed by Black Cliffs. 3. Pocatello and Chubbuck will adopt ordinance requirements that new lots with septic systems shall be a minimum of 5 acres. 4. County will amend zoning ordinance that new development on the west benches must connect to sewer or require use of an alternative approved septic system that reduces effluent nitrate by at least 50%. 5. New development in city limits must connect to sewer for 3 or more new building lots. 6. Cities and County will conduct education and outreach on nitrate impacts
This area I always considered to be the biggest eyesore with a lot of potential. Pocatello/Portneuf Valley deserves a grand entrance instead of the wall of billboards. This area of I-15 should be landscaped at some level inviting everyone living here or passing through. This would also be a great location generally (east/west) for a recreational development of significance - I.e., Lake (ground water recharge), Park, wildlife corridor, river access, etc
The county commissioners should not be running the wellness complex. It isn't being used in its fullest potential and it is such an asset to our community. Hire someone to take care of it, water at night not at 5:00pm the hottest part of the day, and get someone who knows how to schedule concerts and events!
People in the country club and riverside golf club area want their children to go to Century. Change the boundaries so Poky get more Chubbuck growth and century gets country club/riverside area.
PLEASE do not change rural from agriculture to rural residential. Please do not let money be your deciding factor when it affects our quality of life. Contrary to what many developers say, water is a huge issue. It is not good when your water is so low you cannot water the lawn and run a washing machine at the same time. Put five acre minimum restrictions on developers. Listen to residents rather than developers. If you change rural agriculture to rural residential it will ruin Bannock County. The wildlife will cease to have areas and the county will turn into a populated mess. Is Bannock County willing to put in holding tanks for those of us on wells? What about sewer systems rather than septic tanks? Please keep our existing rural areas rural agriculture. There are plenty of areas for residential development without infringing on existing rural areas. One other comment, I read the online paper daily and I do not remember seeing anything about this meeting October 30. I know several folks out here that would have gone had they known. Very few of us are in favor of development along Hwy 91 between Inkom and McCammon.
I am the owner of two parcels along Old Highway 91 North of McCammon that are currently zoned Agricultural. I recommend that Bannock County re-zone my parcels as Rural Residential. My parcels and those in the surrounding area are well suited for and already have the character of Rural Residential zoning. According to the Bannock County Comprehensive Plan drafted in 2008, Agricultural zones “generally…consist of agricultural uses for production and grazing as well as very low intensity single family homes.” The intent of the zone is to “retain commercial agriculture as a viable use.” By contrast, the Rural Residential zone has the character of low-density homes, with less expectation of large-scale agricultural uses. Rural Residential zones permit a density of one home per five acres instead of 40 acres for agricultural. A Rural Residential zone exists less than a mile South of my parcels. It would be reasonable to extend the agricultural zone at least to my parcels because many of the parcels between my parcels and the Rural Residential zone have small lot sizes of less than 10 acres. Ultimately, the area zoned Agricultural, including my parcels, and the Rural Residential zone to the South are similar in character and, in my view, should be a single Rural Residential zone. I appreciate your consideration of my comment in advance of preparing an updated version of the Bannock County Comprehensive Plan.
Don't allow high density developments especially those with septic systems to infill in established areas. Infill developments should also blend into existing or adjacent developments rather than drastically alter a neighborhood.
Areas with private roads should be allowed to grandfather in as a private road. To call anything over 150 feet a driveway is bizarre. to call a private road a non conforming use when you are not changing zoning is not right. If there is no way for the public to know they could purchase property and then not be able to use it how the county has zoned it because of a private road they refuse to grandfather in is not right.
South 5th. should be zoned to deal with industrial and commercial uses for the first 4-500 feet then behind that boundary could be residential. It is a 5 lane road and has heavy commercial and industrial use already.
Benton street overpass is the best connector from the university to the city creek trail system. A safer method of crossing this overpass would be a huge improvement as far as safety for pedestrians and motorists.
OH: Good trail system and access
OH: Please take steps to make sure the upper portion of the river is navigable 0 no fences across river, no riprap in river.
OH: Love the recreation (camping, hunting, hiking) opportunities along Mink Creek and on Scout Mountain
OH: Water quality issues
OH: All new building (septic and wells) needs to take into account affect of older dwellings.