Help connect your neighborhood!

The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) and the City of Boise are seeking your input about bicycle and pedestrian needs in the Whitewater/Veterans Memorial Park neighborhood area. ACHD relies on your input to prioritize projects that will improve walking and bicycling experiences in your neighborhood. Please use the comment map to help us better understand where these important improvements are needed.

Here is the type of feedback we are looking for:

  • What destination are you trying to reach (please note it in the comment box)?
  • Where are pedestrian and bicycle improvements needed?
  • What barriers keep you from bicycling or walking?
  • What areas are you concerned about and why?

If you do not have a location specific comment, but would like to provide feedback about the plan, please email us at


Please attend the Public Workshop/Open House to meet the project team, comment on the plan, and ask questions.

DATE: June 20, 2019, from 5:30–6:30 PM
LOCATION: First Congregational United Church of Christ
2201 Woodlawn Ave, Boise, ID 83702

Whitewater & VMP Neighborhood Study Area

Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please email with your comments.

Recent Comments

Looks Great

How many cubic yards of concrete were used to construct this intersection? What is the carbon footprint of constructing this intersection including equipment and materials? Thank you for all the effor…

Can this area be redeveloped to better support the riparian area of the Boise River? continuously adding riprap doesn't seem to be a sustainable solution. What is the feasibility of replacing Bridge …