Looks Great
How many cubic yards of concrete were used to construct this intersection? What is the carbon footprint of constructing this intersection including equipment and materials? Thank you for all the efforts ACHD does in supporting our transportation system. It is appreciated.
Can this area be redeveloped to better support the riparian area of the Boise River? continuously adding riprap doesn't seem to be a sustainable solution. What is the feasibility of replacing Bridge 26355 with a larger opening and having some Boise River water utilize that opening? This area is being naturally degraded by the River because it has been channelized too much!! This area should be studied for the possibility of improving Boise River Flow Conveyance, planning for geomorphology, and improving the riparian area.
This is a very busy and dangerous intersection. This needs to be a four way stop. Cars on Jefferson travel very fast.
This is a very busy street and very narrow. One side of the street needs to have no parking so the street can flow better. Right now someone has to wait if there are two cars.
Blind corner. Needs a 4 way stop.
Ditto the other comment. Make Jefferson Bike friendly!
Crossing here is like frogger. This needs to be a lighted pedestrian crossing/crosswalk.
Jefferson is the easiest ways to bike/walk to the East End from this area. It needs to be bike and pedestrian friendly all the way across town!
I've almost been t-boned at this intersection so many times. Needs to be a 4 way stop!
Dangerous crossing. I've started using Jefferson St.
Terrible crossing that forces pedestrians and cyclists to cross the street to get to the crosswalk.
Jefferson needs to be more bike friendly. It is heavily used by bicyclists (commuters and families)
I live on this corner and see so many near accidents. Drivers going too fast and/or ignoring the stop sign on 21st. This is a very busy area for pedestrians, bikes and there is also a special education preschool 1 block away. This area is an accident waiting to happen.
Cars come racing down this street and by the time they reach this crosswalk are going very quickly. I would support lowering the speed limit on 23rd street. Or a cross walk with warning lights
This is a really tough intersection for walkers
Crossing 15th and/or turning onto 15 is super stressful.
This is confusing when you exit from the Firefighter Memorial. Need wayfinding and somewhere to cross the street
When my daughters bike west on Pleasanton to Quinn's Pond, in order to cross Whitewater at the crosswalk, they have to cut across Pleasanton in a blind spot. I am concerned that a vehicle going north on Whitewater and turning right on Pleasanton will have a hard time seeing them. Please reengineer this crossing to make it safer for folks coming from both directions.
Some form of crosswalk across State Street is needed here. I have watched several pedestrians attempt to cross here and it is a dangerous situation in low light conditions.
this pedestrian ramp could be updated. Diagonal ramp with no dome on the SW corner of the intersection
I would love to see sidewalks on 26th street and the surrounding areas. With a elementary school only 2 streets away, it is currently not safe for my kids to walk or bike to school.
OH: Signalized crosswalks across Fairview.
OH: Signalized crosswalks across Main Street
OH: Crosswalk with stoplight at 21st Street near West Side Drive-In and Tobacco Connection and bus stops.
OH: Crosswalk button on all 4 corners so bikers do not have to cross against the flow of traffic.
OH: Additional crosswalk to line up with sidewalk on north side of Pleasanton and with path along north side of Quinns Pond to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
OH: Additional signalized crossing on the south side of Pleasanton intersection to line up with planned sidewalk extension of south side of Pleasanton between 26th and 27th and with Whitewater Park Boulevard crossing further down Pleasanton. (A 'signalized crossing' is not a full traffic signal; its like the light at Whitewater Park Boulevard and Pleasanton, or the yellow flashing lights at River and 8th.
OH: Crosswalk buttons at all four corners of Fairview intersection
OH: Crosswalk across Main on the east side of the intersection
OH: Bulbouts and crosswalks
Add bulbouts and signalized crossing at Bannock
This intersection is a nightmare if you're not in a car.
This intersection needs a 4-way stop. Cars never stop for pedestrians here, lots of foot traffic. Many near misses here every day.
Bike lane on 27th so narrow at parts it's like a fog line...
improve greenbelt entrance. a paved path would prevent goatheads.
Need crosswalk button accessible for cyclists. impossible to cross during morning or evening rush hours without using crosswalk.
Very unsafe crossing for cyclists which forces them to ride against traffic. The signal takes forever to change, especially during rush hour.
The recent evidence of vehicle accidents at the intersection of 27th and Bannock combined with the reoccuring flattening of the sign indicating a median island at the lighted crosswalk tell me that something isn't working here. I'm not sure what the solution is, but I'm guessing that you (ACHD) are tiring of replacing that sign!
Intersection is too wide and has too many lanes to safely use as a bicyclist. Please reduce car lanes - and add a protected bike lane.
add crosswalk!
Better ped crossing!
Add button for bikes to use the light on the south west side, street accessible.
This is a huge piece of roadway, and difficult to cross at peak times. This crossing should be safer
Put a push button in on the right side of the road for bicyclists and put in a curb cut. Cyclists are forced onto the wrong side of the road, right at the corner which is dangerous, and unexpected. This can be very crowded and it's good to get the bikes/scooters across in their own area. Aligning the street crossing with the greenbelt access would make this area much safer and user friendly.
Protect this bike lane. Traffic is increasing, curvy road has drivers driving into bike lane.
Add ped/bike signal here. Access from Ustick to Greenbelt via this street should be easier!
Premier route to Koelsch Elementary. make this a ped/bike/scooter friendly environment with complete sidewalks, bike markings in the road.